Activating Your Dormant DNA, Your Sacred Key Codes & Your Star Code Markings



Unplug from the 3D Reality & The Matrix
Clear, heal and resolve your genetic make-up in your DNA (including EVERY illness and dis-ease)
Awaken your Dormant DNA
Activate your Star Code Markings
Reveal Your Sacred Key Codes
Meet Your Galactic Star Family
Align with your Super Human Abilities
Learn what lies beyond the first 12 strands of DNA: up to 444 potential strands of unawakened DNA
Up-level to the NEW PARADIGM 5th Dimension & Beyond

All participants will also receive divinely channeled guidance, information and energy updates and upgrades relevant for the group dynamic related to Ascension and the Ascension timelines for HUmanity.

Benevolent Beings who show up to our channeled events and provided channeled guidance, energy, healing and activations include, but are not limited to:
Star Family Races
Benevolent Galactic Beings
Ascended Masters & Divine Goddesses
Angels and Archangels
Benevolent Ancestors, Spirit Teams, Guides in the non physical
Members of the Animal Kingdom, The Nature Kingdoms, The Crystal Kingdom
Mother Earth Gaia & The Various Planetary Bodies

Lori Ann Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Spiritual Catalyst, Speaker, Visionary, Lightworker and Starseed who has transformed the lives of thousands of humans and animals via her Channeled Ascension Guidance, Intuition, Energy Healing and Animal Communication. She provides Ascension Training, Sacred Energy Healing Transmissions and Dormant DNA Activations for humans and animals. Get your FREE GIFTS from Lori here:


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