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Kirtan Chanting and Bhakti Yoga: Sacred awareness using your voice

June 21, 2019 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Soul Synergy Center
5490 Castlewoods Court Suite D Flowood MS 39232
Jill Clark

Kirtan Chanting and Bhakti Yoga: Sacred awareness using your voice In the Salt Cave!

Yoga instructor Laurel Isbister will lead the group in singing devotional songs in Sanskrit and English.

Start with warming up the voice and body, then learn and practice sacred singing together. In this practice, we learn to use our voices with a focus on emotion and quality of awareness, instead of focus on perfect timing or perfect pitch. Through call and response, each person listens to their voice blend with others and practices a focus on a quality such as loyalty, discernment, heroism or motherly love.

Enjoy a fun and creative atmosphere with time to learn, reflect and share singing with others interested in this path. Bhakti yoga is enjoyed all over the world by those interested in mixing devotional practice with music. You can attend and sing, or listen if that is what you prefer.

No prior vocal experience necessary. Laurel Red earned a Master’s Degree in Music from UCLA with a focus on vocal music and ethnomusicology. She has practiced yoga for close to 30 years and loves teaching music.

$33 for the 2 Hour Workshop

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