Small Group Readings – Mississippi Medium

January 12, 2019 @ 6:45 pm – 9:00 pm
Soul Synergy Center
5490 Castlewoods Court
MS 39232
Zoe Meeks

Join Psychic Medium Jill M Jackson for a small group reading session. Small group readings are conducted with groups of up to 12 people in which Jill connects the living with their friends and loved ones on the Other Side. These sessions last 2 hours and Jill delivers evidence as well as healing messages from your loved ones.

Many times, the messages presented for one person will apply to others in the room. There are no coincidences and there are reasons that certain groups come together.

Please know that Jill does her best to bring through as many messages as possible for as many people as possible. It is up to our loved ones in Spirit to decide who comes through and with what messages. Jill will answer a question regarding life path or direction, etc. for anyone who does not receive a message directly from a loved one in Spirit. Therefore, everyone is guaranteed a reading.

How to Prepare for the Group Reading

Make a list of everyone you know who has passed to the Spirit World. Even if you didn’t care so much for someone, write their name down anyway. Jill has even had a 3rd-grade teacher show up with a powerful message!

Make a list of important dates – birthdates, anniversaries, dates of passing, etc.

Start talking to your loved ones through prayer and meditation and ask them to connect for the group reading! This process is just as much about your loved ones as it is about Jill being a Medium. Our loved ones must lower their vibration to connect with a Medium or to give us signs and messages.

Make a list of things that you need clarity on in your life, such as romance, career, health, children, family matters, etc.

Have an open mind and be a good listener. Healthy skepticism is ok; however, it is important for the energy to flow in a beautiful way so everyone can experience an amazing session together.

Set an intention that you will receive the exact guidance and healing you need, even from the other people’s connections.

Small group readings provide an amazing occasion for like-minded people to share in a magical experience surrounded by loved ones in Spirit! Prepare yourself to leave this event filled with renewed energy while receiving guidance and many times humor from loved ones in Spirit.

Only $125 per person

To Reserve Your Seat:

Go to Schedule Now and select Small Group Reading

Or Feel free to call Zoe @ 601-706-9644.


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